Cooking Demo: Keto Maurice Salad & Espresso Martini

Too busy to cook keto?

So here's a real life story and we know this happens to you too, babycakes...

Anna and I were busy working all day on new recipe ideas for the fall and realized it was time for dinner soon. We didn't feel like "cooking for real", so we looked around the kitchen. We realized we had all the ingredients on hand to make a keto version of the Hudson's classic- a Maurice Salad! We also knew we would want a little dessert and a cocktail afterwards, so we looked around again and came up with an espresso martini! 🍸

The salad is totally customizable and family-friendly. If you take out the swiss cheese, it's dairy free as well! Pair the salad with one of our biscuits or some cheesy bread. Mmmmm!

If you'd like the full experience of watching us prepare these recipes and acting 🤪, watch on FB or Instagram.

Watch our keto cooking demo below 👇🏽

Grab a cocktail and come have a drink with us while we show you how to prepare a keto maurice salad and espresso martini.


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