About Us
Come on over and meet us! We’re so glad you’re here.
Hi! We are Anna (amazing cook) & Lisa (registered dietitian) and we're real-life moms, food-obsessed, carb-addicted Italians that are formerly morbid obese women who made nutrition and health our priority without skipping a beat! We know how overwhelming it can feel to meet your health goals while living your life which is why our baked goods, cooking demos, recipe handouts and blog will keep you stress-free about your diet. Our goal is to show you how to live the lifestyle you want while reaching your health goals.
We want to be your credible sources of information and feel confident that what we sell is 100% how we live. It's based on experience too....check out our stories below ⤵
Lisa’s Story
Hiya! I’m Lisa Mislevy and I lost 75 lbs a few years back. I couldn’t even find a picture of me at my highest weight, but this one was a winner because I can’t stop laughing at my expression! 😂As a functional registered dietitian, I’ve been eating healthy for the last 20 years. The weight gain came from a combination of overeating, having 2 children, and hashimoto’s thyroiditis. My 40 lb weight loss first started with Weight Watchers- this taught me portion control (I still ate my healthy food choices as I didn’t agree with their recommendations!). Then I went rogue and lost the rest using many other food plans: low carb, paleo, AIP, then keto. I still have another 30 lbs I would like to shed that are pretty stubborn! I have a team of functional doctors helping me with this and I’m sure we’ll get there- I’ll never give up!
As a dietitian, I try a lot of eating styles to learn about them so I can use them with my patients. Although I love what keto can do for us, I don’t believe it’s a diet to slap on just anyone! During my consultations, we find the right plan for you depending on what your issues are vs. lifestyle goals.
Anna’s Story
Hi, I’m Anna and I started doing keto January 2nd, 2018. My heaviest pre-pregnancy weight was 250 lbs and I lost about 75 lbs doing WW and zumba. I took about a year off the diet and slowly gained about 20 lbs back. I was looking for something different, something I could do that would benefit me from the inside out. I wanted to lose weight and be healthy! I did my research and learned all about keto. I started it and lost 40 lbs and have kept it off! I have been living the keto lifestyle ever since! I have found with keto that I can maintain my weight and enjoy all the foods I have enjoyed in the past…my goal was to modify all my favorite recipes into keto versions of them and now I can enjoy all of those foods while still living a healthy lifestyle!

Listen. Anna and I have been where you’re at, wherever that is. We’ve been successful, we’ve felt like failures, we’ve felt stressed out from life stressors and losses. We know how hard it can feel when you’re looking out at the path ahead of you that includes a lot of hard work that you don’t think you can do. If you want to talk it through with one of us, send us a message! Or, watch some of our IGTV’s and get inspired, or at least get tipsy with us and have a laugh.
Remember: there’s nothing that you can’t do. You just need to decide that you can accomplish your goals and re-commit to them every single day. We love you, and we know you can give yourself what you’re looking for. ❤